SOS Podcast #8 (VIDEO)

After a quite long hiatus, the S.O.S. Podcasts are once again on the production line; available on a new Youtube channel as well as on Rumble, ever since a Youtube customer service shortcoming obliged us to migrate from our previous channel. Recorded in the States of Splendor’s city of origin, this episode pertains to the evolving characteristics of authenticity as percieved in today’s and tomorrow’s world. Tailor made products and services have always been the nec plus ultra of luxury. In the current industrial context, such production is quite rare. However, a new technological paradigm is enabling a renewed availability of custom designed amenities. This podcast explores in which way these new production avenues can possibly make authentic unique productions, thus permitting splendor to find renewed postures of existence. Also included are the Splendor Show and Tell #2 as well as the Hindsight chronicle which is about a modern example of custom design in architecture. A famous one, still very much appreciated, in Pensylvania, U.S.A.

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Strawberry Shortcake
Strawberry Shortcake
3 years ago

A good one, been a long time. You should have talked about NFT s in the podcast. The subject is basically almost about NFTs. Also hindsight chronicle is a good idea. How about old crooners no one heard about?