SOS first podcast (Video)


 First States of Splendor podcast

States of Splendor has just been inaugurated. It follows that it’s first podcast has just been put online. Originally recorded in november 2017, it has been uploaded in february 2018. It has only now (march 2018) been made available through States of Splendor.

States of Splendor serves as a transmitting vehicle for individuals, businesses, stories, objects, places and other phenomena which are deemed holders of splendor worthy of passing on into the future.

This first podcast has quite a long intro, in it, the nature of the SOS podcast is explained. The two main subjects are then delivered, followed by the good news section. Podcasts are expected to be put online every two weeks. Enjoy, and stay tuned for more!

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6 years ago

Nice podcast. Very relaxing. But guys, the introduction is too long!

Rick James
Rick James
5 years ago

The video link is down!